Top personality assessments

Assessments are a great way to increase your self-awareness, and they also provide great starting points for coaching conversations.


I am a Certified Practitioner of the Soul-Metrics GPS Spiritual Health Assessment. The assessment cost is included in my regular coaching fee. This Christ-Centered approach to Spiritual Health will help you monitor your growth in Christ and possibly discover things that are inhibiting your growth. We can coach around your results and take actions that will help you to love God and to love people better.

"A springboard for understanding your motivation for action and sense of personal mission." $49.95 for the full evaluation (A scaled-down free assessment is also available).

"Helps you better understand what makes you tick, how you relate to others, and how you can benefit from this knowledge in everyday life." $49.95 Please note that I am NOT (yet) a certified interpreter of the MBTI. Nevertheless, we can still explore what your results seem to be telling you.

"Discover what you naturally do best, learn how to develop your greatest talents, and live your best life." $49.99

Evaluates your personality under the heading of five significant aspects: Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Neuroticism, and Openness to experience. $9.95

Determine which of 9 personality types best represents you. “Each Enneagram type has a different pattern of thinking, feeling and acting that arises from a deeper inner motivation or worldview.” $10

This version of the Enneagram assessment is more expensive, but provides a well-endorsed and detailed report. The “standard” report is $60 and the “pro” report is $120. If you have the money, this would provide a lot of insight, as well as plenty of material for productive coaching.