What Are You Paying For?

I’ve reworked how you can pay for my coaching services, and this video (if you don’t want to watch the video, the following is just a transcription) will walk you through the process and your options, but first a note about paying…

The most important thing to understand about paying a coach is that you are not paying for the conversations. What you are paying for are the RESULTS of being coached around an area you want to take action in.

For example, you may hire me because you are tolerating a toxic working environment. You want to improve your relationships with your coworkers. Our coaching conversation will probably start with what “improve” means. Where do you want to end up? Where are you now?  Through our coaching conversations and thinking we will come up with strategies and actions to make our vision a reality.

As you implement those strategies, we expect that the result will be a less toxic environment and a more satisfying situation for you.

So what did you really pay for? Three hours on the phone with me or a less stressful environment at work? If you think in terms of the results, the cost of the coaching makes a lot more sense. Also, the more you pay, the more obligation you will feel to “get your money’s worth” and follow through on what might be some pretty difficult actions.

I’m pretty ambivalent about pay. It’s not “coach or don’t eat” in my case. I coach mainly because I enjoy engaging people in intentional conversations about important things. I love to help people reach their goals! I’m also working to get my Professional Certified Coach credential with the Coach Federation. That requires 450 paid hours of experience.

That’s a lot. Fortunately, they don’t say what hourly rate we must charge, so we can count it even if it’s only a dollar a call. They also accept bartering, and I have coached in exchange for things other than money.

Which brings me to my Barefoot Cory Coaching Store!

If you come to my website at BarefootCory.com, you will see some menu options along the upper right margin. Click on “Scheduling” to go to my scheduling page.

On the scheduling page, there is a new button that says “Click Here to Purchase Your Coaching Product.” When you click on it, it opens my store in a new tab. At the store you have four products you can purchase: The first two are the 30-minute and 60-minute coaching calls, which I have already been offering. Then there are two package options, which allow you to purchase multiple coaching calls for a single fee.

So let me run through these with you. First the 30-minute coaching session. When you click here, it brings up the page for purchasing a single session.

Now, I’m doing an experiment on how much to charge. I want to co-create the payment agreement with you, my clients. I want YOU to decide how much you are able and willing to pay for coaching sessions leading to great results. I understand that some people just don’t have the resources to pay the full price for coaching, so they need a discount. So I’ve created four tiers of payment for each product. My tiers are named after different runs. Have I mentioned I’m a barefoot runner? The most I’ve done is a 5K, but maybe someday, I’ll try a harder challenge.

Anyway, for the 30-minute call, you can choose the Training rate, at $2, the 5K Run version at $5, Half-Marathon at $10, or the Marathon rate of $20. You also have an option to purchase more than one coaching session by changing the “quantity” button. When you add your coaching session to your cart, and then Check Out, things proceed much like any other online purchase. You’ll enter your contact information and payment information, you will get a confirmation email, and I will get an email telling me what you have purchased.

Going back to the store, there is also the options to purchase a 60-minute session, which is just like the 30-minute, only the prices are doubled.

I also offer two new options: The subscription and the package.

First, the subscription. When you choose this item, you have the opportunity to pay for 3 months of coaching as a subscriber. You can schedule up to four sessions per month, and you can choose either 30 minute or 60 minute sessions. Use the quantity button if you want to pay for 6 months or even a year’s subscription.

Second, I also offer an 8-session package. This option allows you to spread out the coaching over as long a period as you like. Often this works when you have a particular project you want to complete, and all of the coaching is around that one project. Again, you can choose 30 or 60 minute sessions.

So now you’ve come to my store and purchased a coaching product, but you’re not done!

After you complete the purchase, go back to the scheduling page and schedule your first session.

If you haven’t used my scheduler yet, it’s really convenient. It gives you direct access to my calendar and what time slots I have open, so we don’t have to go back and forth trying to figure out a time that works for both of us.

First, click either the 30-minute or 60-minute session. It will take you to this page. Here, you need to specify your time zone. That’s really convenient for those of you in other time zones, because believe me, without it, confusion would reign! (Your time or my time? Don’t forget Daylight Savings time ends on Nov 3rd…And so on…)

After you choose your time zone, click the “Set Time Zone” button to bring up the calendar. My feedback is that some people miss this point, especially if the time zone is already correct in this box.

On the calendar, look for a time that works for you. If the day is greyed out, that means that I have other commitments and no available slots. As you can see, you can even choose a few weekend slots if you like.

After choosing the time, you have an option to make it recurring. That works well if you want to schedule a weekly session at the same time. Don’t worry, it will tell you if one of the times is unavailable.

After you choose your time, you come to this page and give me your contact information. This will set things up so you get an email reminder 24 hours before our call. Good stuff! We all need reminders.

So that’s it! You are good to go, and I’m looking forward to helping you reach your goals, make progress, or just get unstuck!

Talk to you soon!


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