No Job Too Small

Sometimes, a handyman will advertise “No Job Too Small”, just to make sure that people will think of him when they need a light switch rewired or a door lock installed.

The really great thing about coaching is that it can be applied in so many ways. Just like the handyman, I like to think that there is “No Job Too Small” for coaching!

Trying to figure out what to have for dinner tonight? I might ask, “What does your ideal dinner look like?”

Trying to figure out how you will get the lawn mowed this summer? I might ask, “What is important to you about having a nice lawn?”

Wish you knew how to remember names better? I might ask, “What makes knowing someone’s name significant?”

What’s really cool about this is that even something that seems trivial or insignificant can lead you into new thinking and new awareness about yourself. What you thought was a small thing actually may lead you into new habits and a greater satisfaction with your daily life.

So try it out next time you coach with me! You may well be pleasantly surprised at the results.


No Job Too Big


"I Don't Know."